January 20, 2009 - According to researchers at the University of Durham , drinking too much coffee can cause hallucinations with the presence of 'dead people". Subjects who consumed a daily equivalent of seven cups of instant coffee or more were three times more likely to have extra-sensory experiences. Those taking high concentrations of caffeine often reported "seeing things that were not there, hearing voices, and sensing the presence of dead people".
Source: coffeechemistry.comThis study doesn't surprise me at all, but instant coffee? That's for babies! Imagine what I've seen after a triple Depth Charge, with heavy cream and raw sugar? (Trying to resist the urge to insert a smiley face or a "lol" here.)
I've been telling people for years that caffeine is the BEST drug. I don't need anything else. Coffee is legal, full of nutrients, helps get my creative juices flowing, and so much more. I'm not one of those people that quickly gulps down a cup of joe on their way to work. No way. Coffee needs to be savored, so I prefer to drink it at night. It relaxes me and gets me mentally prepared -- whether it's diving into a good book, doing a blog, studying, or even surfing the Internet. I love flying on a caffeine buzz! And yes, I'm sipping the evil black brew while writing this. No big surprise, right?